twiteros cubanos libres

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012


Otro cubano grito #ABAJOELCOMUNISMO en la Habana

Video muestra arresto en la misa del Papa en La Habana

El incidente sería el segundo de su clase durante la visita del Pontífice, luego que un joven gritara "Abajo el comunismo" en la Plaza Antonio Maceo de Santiago de Cuba

La cadena de televisión Al-Jazeera filmó durante la misa del Papa Benedicto XVI el domingo pasado en La Habana, los momentos en que un hombre era arrestado y sacado de la Plaza José Martí tras pronunciarse contra el sistema. 

En las breves imágenes, que forman parte de un reportaje de la televisora catarí sobre la misa papal, se ve al hombre capturado por cuatro individuos. Según el reportero, rápidamente le taparon  la boca y se lo llevaron. Otro individuo extiende la mano para bloquear el lente de la cámara.

Según Prensa Asociada el manifestante habría pedido que el Papa no se fuera de Cuba hasta que se acabe el comunismo.

El incidente sería el segundo de su clase durante la visita del Pontífice a la isla, luego que  un joven gritara "Abajo el comunismo" durante la misa en la Plaza Antonio Maceo de Santiago de Cuba y fuera detenido, golpeado  y evacuado del lugar.

"CUBA" On the Embargo

A great interview in Global Voices with Alberto de la Cruz, Managing Editor of Babalu Blog:

Global Voices: The U.S. embargo on Cuba - probably the longest-running economic ban in history - recently turned 50! Supporters see it as a necessary measure against a communist government; critics say that the policy is a failure that is really not hurting the regime, but instead, the average Cuban. Where do you stand on the issue?

Alberto de la Cruz: It is hard to argue the U.S. embargo against the Castro dictatorship hurts the Cuban people when in 2010 (the latest figures available), the Cuban government imported over $400-million in food from the U.S. While the embargo limits trade, it allows food to be sold to the Cuban government on a cash basis. If that food is not reaching the average Cuban and is instead being sent to the Cuban military owned hotels and resorts to feed tourists, that is not because of the embargo, it is because of the Castro regime [which] ultimately controls the distribution of all food on the island. It is interesting to note that none of those who suggest the trade embargo against the Castro dictatorship hurts only the average Cuban can explain why the vast majority of Cubans continue to live in abject poverty when the Castro government, according to their own figures, had over $8-billion dollars in imports in 2010. While Cubans struggle to feed their families, Cuban children are denied milk once they turn six, the most basic items are nearly impossible to find, and ration books are still in use. In Cuba’s tourist hotels and resorts, which again, are owned by the Cuban military, there is no shortage of food, soap, milk, or anything else. If an embargo is hurting the Cuban people, it is the embargo placed upon them by the Castro regime.

What the U.S. “embargo” actually does is prevent the Castro government from adding the U.S. to its long list of debtors who are currently owed billions of dollars with no hope of getting paid in the foreseeable future. From that perspective, the embargo has been a phenomenal success. We are perhaps the only nation in the world that does business with Cuba who is not owed millions of dollars by a regime with a decades-long history of not honoring their financial commitments.

GV: What do you think the embargo has accomplished, if anything?

AdlC: In addition to precluding the U.S. from becoming another victim of the Castro regime’s propensity for borrowing money and not paying it back, the U.S. embargo is the only leverage the U.S. has against the Castro dictatorship. As history indicates, the countries that have normalized relations and business dealings with the Castro government are severely limited in their ability to demand respect for human rights on the island. When these countries have attempted to pressure the Cuban dictatorship into stopping their repressive tactics, their economic interests on the island are immediately threatened. Therefore, their decision to promote respect for human rights in Cuba ceases to be a moral one and becomes an economic decision instead. Since, because of the embargo, the U.S. has zero investments on the island that can be threatened, it can maintain its firm stance on human rights and democracy for the Cuban people.

GV: Do you think the embargo, as it stands now, is doing anything to improve the political or human rights situation in Cuba?

AdlC: In essence, yes. The U.S. embargo has deprived the Castro dictatorship of hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars it can use to maintain and fuel its machine of repression. For the past fifty years, the Cuban regime has used hard currency provided by other countries – beginning with the former Soviet Union and now Venezuela – to fund its brutal, East German Stasi-trained State Security apparatus. By denying the Castro regime U.S. dollars from American tourism, credit, and normalized trade, they have less cash to maintain, strengthen, and expand their repressive policies.

GV: What effect do you think the embargo has had on the Cuban economy and do you see a better alternative?

AdlC: Cuba and its economy are run and completely controlled by a totalitarian military dictatorship. The Castro regime has taken a country and an economy that was once productive and vibrant, and whose standard of living in 1958 surpassed that of some Western European nations, and has turned it into a third-world country. A better question, I believe, would be what effects the economic policies and decisions of the Castro government over the past five decades have had on the Cuban economy.

The only viable alternative that exists is for the Cuban people to rid themselves of the dictatorial regime that enslaves and represses them. History has shown that engagement with this brutal and criminal regime produces zero positive results. The entrenched dictatorship has no interest in true reform or limiting its power, let alone relinquishing it.

GV: How do you feel about the recent lifting of travel restrictions to Cuba and making remittances easier?

AdlC: The lifting of travel restrictions and increased remittances to Cuba from the U.S. [has] been a financial boon for the Cuban dictatorship and has unleashed a wave of repression against Cuba’s opposition movement. In the two years since the Obama administration unilaterally relaxed sanctions against Cuba, the Castro regime’s cash reserves have grown by more than $2-billion, while politically motivated arrests on the island have increased almost threefold. Visiting American tourists on the island are led on Potemkin Village-like tours, denied any interaction with Cuba's democracy activists. In the end, American tourists visiting Cuba will provide the same help in fostering democracy on the island that the 2-million+ yearly tourists from other countries have had, which is to say, none.

GV: What have been some of the “creative” responses to the embargo from Cubans outside the island?

AdlC: Since the Obama administration unilaterally relaxed travel restrictions to Cuba, Cuban exiles no longer have to come up with “creative” ways to evade the law. In the past, however, the most common method of circumventing U.S. travel restrictions was to visit the island through a third country. The most popular were Mexico and the Bahamas, although Cubans living in the northern part of the U.S. could also use Canada as an intermediary stop on their way to Cuba.

GV: Do you think there a generational shift in attitudes about the embargo for Cubans inside and outside the island?

AdlC: In regards to Cubans in exile, for almost two decades now, we have been hearing and reading about this community’s supposed generational shift in attitude regarding the U.S. embargo on the Castro dictatorship. It seems that every year several polls are published showing a softening in the so-called “hard line and intransigent” stance against the Castro regime by Cuban exiles. However, while these polls claim to accurately gauge the sentiment amongst Cubans in the U.S., the most accurate and reliable poll, the voting booth, shows a different outcome. Year after year, election cycle after election cycle, Cuban exiles have overwhelmingly voted for representatives that echo a hard line approach towards the dictatorship in Havana.

In terms of Cubans on the island, I find it difficult to get an accurate reading on their opinions regarding the embargo. Cubans are forced to live in an information-deprived society and therefore, their attitudes are colored by the false reality created by the regime. For instance, the vast majority of Cubans on the island are not aware the U.S. is one of the island’s major food suppliers, mainly because very few of them ever see any of the food shipped to Cuba from the U.S. Through no fault of their own, they are left to formulate opinions regarding the U.S. embargo without knowing the facts. Personally, I would put more stock in any generational shift occurring in attitudes in Cuba towards the embargo if the population had access to all the information it needed to form an educated opinion.

GV: While we're on the topic of access to information, how has the embargo affected the Internet in Cuba?

AdlC: Since all “legitimate” internet access in Cuba is severely restricted by the Castro government, I cannot see how U.S. policy plays any role in average Cubans accessing the internet. Consider the recently completed fiber-optic cable between Venezuela and Cuba offering improved internet access to the island. After connecting the cable, the Cuban regime immediately quashed any hopes of internet access for its citizens by declaring all internet access would be reserved for government entities only. Moreover, in January of 2010, a Miami-based company, TeleCuba, was granted permission by U.S. authorities to lay a fiber-optic cable between Key West and Havana, but according to reports, the Castro regime has refused to strike a deal with this company. Add to this the fact that American aid worker Alan Gross was arrested in 2009 and sentenced to 15 years in prison for providing Cubans with unfiltered internet access and the obvious becomes more obvious: The Castro dictatorship is not interested in providing Cubans with unfiltered or unrestricted internet access, regardless of U.S. policy towards the island.

GV: Is the embargo an important issue for you in the upcoming US presidential elections? Why or why not?

AdlC: For me, personally, Cuba is an important issue in the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. I would like to see a president that is committed to defending the human rights of the Cuban people and maintains a firm stance against a tyrannical regime just ninety miles from our shores. From a diplomatic perspective, the embargo remains a tool that can help an administration stand up to tyranny and defend human rights.

GV: Who would stand to benefit from a lifting of the embargo? And who would stand to lose?

AdlC: The first and foremost benefactor of any lifting of the embargo would be the Castro dictatorship. Such an act would provide an economic boon to the regime, flushing them with cash and political capital, which history has proven time and again they will use to perpetuate their iron-grip on power and maintain the Cuban people enslaved. The second benefactors would be U.S. corporations who would be given the opportunity to strike deals with the Cuban government that would give them exclusivity in the marketplace and eliminate any competition normally found in a free marketplace. The Cuban consumers, as always, will receive little to no benefit, as the regime’s business deals with the rest of the world have clearly indicated.

The first and foremost loser would be the Cuban people and democracy activists on the island. With the Castro regime given a new lease on life with cash revenues and political clout, the government will be free to repress and quash any dissent with impunity, while maintaining the rest of the population enslaved. If the U.S. finally bowed to the Castro regime and removed the embargo, there would be no leverage left to demand the Cuban government respect human rights. The U.S. would become like Canada, Spain, or the EU: another country or union more interested in protecting its economic interests in Cuba than protecting the human rights of the Cuban people.
